2016-12-12 17:47:34
Peach itself has a very high nutritional value, peach nutrient is very rich, according to the Academy of Agricultural Sciences expert examination, its main nutrients are: rich in vitamin C and a lot of the human body needs cellulose, carotene, tomato yellow Elements, red and a variety of trace elements. Such as selenium, zinc and other content were significantly higher than other general peach, also contains malic acid, citric acid and other ingredients. Beauty Peach skin and fruit were golden, sweet little more, taste common, eat two can play a day catharsis, lowering blood sugar, blood fat, anti-free radicals, eliminate dark spots, delaying aging, improve immune function And other effects, but also to promote appetite, can be described as health fruit, Health of peach. Although the delicious yellow peach, but had to admit that raw peach is indeed a bit sour, but canned into a yellow peach can be sweet and delicious.
So how can identify good and bad canned yellow peach it?
First of all, to see Peach is not intact, intact peach is so the following, do not buy those stripes may be trivial, because it may be so bad peaches do.
Second, look at the viscosity of sugar, sugar, the higher the more viscous, the taste is very good, of course, moderate; now the market has a lot of canned peach are glucose against sugar, the cost is lower, due to A ton of white sugar to be more expensive than glucose, Xuzhou Wending Food Co., Ltd. canned yellow peach all use of white sugar, moderate taste.
Third, put a few months of canned taste is very good, if the canned produce can be put out after five or six months, so soaked by sugar, taste better, which is recognized in the professional are.Peach itself has a very high nutritional value, peach nutrient is very rich, according to the Academy of Agricultural Sciences expert examination, its main nutrients are: rich in vitamin C and a lot of the human body needs cellulose, carotene, tomato yellow Elements, red and a variety of trace elements. Such as selenium, zinc and other content were significantly higher than other general peach, also contains malic acid, citric acid and other ingredients. Beauty Peach skin and fruit were golden, sweet little more, taste common, eat two can play a day catharsis, lowering blood sugar, blood fat, anti-free radicals, eliminate dark spots, delaying aging, improve immune function And other effects, but also to promote appetite, can be described as health fruit, Health of peach. Although the delicious yellow peach, but had to admit that raw peach is indeed a bit sour, but canned into a yellow peach can be sweet and delicious.
So how can identify good and bad canned yellow peach it?
First of all, to see Peach is not intact, intact peach is so the following, do not buy those stripes may be trivial, because it may be so bad peaches do.
Second, look at the viscosity of sugar, sugar, the higher the more viscous, the taste is very good, of course, moderate; now the market has a lot of canned peach are glucose against sugar, the cost is lower, due to A ton of white sugar to be more expensive than glucose, Xuzhou Wending Food Co., Ltd. canned yellow peach all use of white sugar, moderate taste.
Third, put a few months of canned taste is very good, if the canned produce can be put out after five or six months, so soaked by sugar, taste better, which is recognized in the professional are.
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