2017-09-05 17:32:53
Canned products can be long-term storage, shelf life or very long, in fact, the shelf life of food is generally not very long, then how can the can? Let's take a closer look at this information.
Canned is usually used in the pasteurization method, this method is the main cans heated to 75 ℃ -90 ℃, 15-16 seconds of sterilization sterilization, which can instantly kill pathogenic microorganisms, non-sterile irrigation Equipment, its bacterial content is not a threat to health. There is the control of the microbial indicators of canned, as long as it is able to control it well, there is the long shelf life of canned food is still canned, canned solid in the sterilization after exposure to air, so it Can be kept for a long time.
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