2017-06-29 17:41:30
From the concept of food, snacks are temporary hunger or greedy food. So, "why we all like to eat snacks" is actually a fake problem: snack production is first for everyone to like to eat, do not like to eat those who have been eliminated. And this like, one is to taste good taste good, the second is to eat up convenient. Traditionally, these two foods are often made of carbohydrates or even sugar-based ingredients, fried, puffed or baked as the main way to produce. This kind of food is generally relatively high calorie, and other micro-nutrients less, the long run, the former lead to fat, while the latter, it will increase the risk of some chronic diseases. Therefore, it is often called "junk food".
    However, for many people - especially children, do not eat snacks is very uncomfortable thing. So, now the development trend is "healthy snack". Its goal is to ensure that the taste and taste is good, easy to eat under the premise of as much as possible to increase the micro-nutrients. In the United States, health experts recommend to the school "healthy snacks" have the following:
    The preferred fruit and vegetables. In addition to fresh fruits and vegetables, jam, fruit juice, canned fruit, quick-frozen fruit, dried fruit, etc. can also be classified into this category.
    The whole snack is also good for snacks. Even if the raw material is whole wheat or whole grain, because it contains dietary fiber, vitamins and minerals, it can be regarded as " Healthy Food".
    Dairy products such as yogurt, cheese (fashionable "cheese") or pudding, to provide a wealth of protein and calcium, but its high fat and unfavorable health. So, if these foods are low-fat or fat-free, then also "avoid disadvantages" of the. Especially if you can pay attention to the addition of vegetables in the dinner, then these low-fat or fat-free dairy products even if the "healthy snacks."
    In addition, those nuts that have not been treated with salt, such as peanuts, cashews, pistachios, beans, and snacks are still quite healthy.
    For children, limiting their snacks is a cruel thing that is not necessarily necessary. So, instead of banning them, it is better to give them "healthy snacks". And for adults, if necessary, to eat those "healthy snacks", it is not in the "greedy" and "health" between the tangled.
From the concept of food, snacks are temporary hunger or greedy food. So, "why we all like to eat snacks" is actually a fake problem: snack production is first for everyone to like to eat, do not like to eat those who have been eliminated. And this like, one is to taste good taste good, the second is to eat up convenient. Traditionally, these two foods are often made of carbohydrates or even sugar-based ingredients, fried, puffed or baked as the main way to produce. This kind of food is generally relatively high calorie, and other micro-nutrients less, the long run, the former lead to fat, while the latter, it will increase the risk of some chronic diseases. Therefore, it is often called "junk food".
    However, for many people - especially children, do not eat snacks is very uncomfortable thing. So, now the development trend is "healthy snack". Its goal is to ensure that the taste and taste is good, easy to eat under the premise of as much as possible to increase the micro-nutrients. In the United States, health experts recommend to the school "healthy snacks" have the following:
    The preferred fruit and vegetables. In addition to fresh fruits and vegetables, jam, fruit juice, canned fruit, quick-frozen fruit, dried fruit, etc. can also be classified into this category.
    The whole snack is also good for snacks. Even if the raw material is whole wheat or whole grain, because it contains dietary fiber, vitamins and minerals, it can be regarded as " Healthy Food".
    Dairy products such as yogurt, cheese (fashionable "cheese") or pudding, to provide a wealth of protein and calcium, but its high fat and unfavorable health. So, if these foods are low-fat or fat-free, then also "avoid disadvantages" of the. Especially if you can pay attention to the addition of vegetables in the dinner, then these low-fat or fat-free dairy products even if the "healthy snacks."
    In addition, those nuts that have not been treated with salt, such as peanuts, cashews, pistachios, beans, and snacks are still quite healthy.
    For children, limiting their snacks is a cruel thing that is not necessarily necessary. So, instead of banning them, it is better to give them "healthy snacks". And for adults, if necessary, to eat those "healthy snacks", it is not in the "greedy" and "health" between the tangled.
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