2017-04-07 17:32:40
In foreign countries, canned fruit is a form of finishing, especially because of busy work, canned with its convenient characteristics to become a lot of people after dinner dessert of choice. Therefore, canned food is very popular, Europe and the United States and other developed countries, higher levels of food consumption, canned food completely adapt to people's pace of life and habits.
The world's annual output of more than 45 million tons of canned food, the Americans average annual consumption of 90 kg, about 50 kg in Europe. China's canned industry delegation visited the United Kingdom found that an ordinary British family usually eat 15 cans in a week, the supermarket food containers placed on the most is a wide variety of canned food.
China's canned food with its high-quality product quality, and actively emerging product brands and relatively low prices in the international market place, product exports increased year by year, especially after entering the nineties, canned exports is the annual Substantial growth, reached an annual export volume of nearly 200 million tons, canned industry has formed its unique industrial system.
The increasing volume of exports shows that the people of many countries in the world still attach great importance to canned food, and the corresponding domestic people's cold, can only prove that most people are "misunderstanding" of canned food.
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