2016-12-15 17:09:35
Marketing innovation tide, electric power to drive domestic demand. Canned electrical business in recent years, the rapid rise of canned brands have set foot in the electricity business, and gradually become an important sales force, a group of electric companies are also a strong rush into the main business of canned products, the gradual formation of several influential can . In addition, some areas with regional advantages emerged in the trend of concentration of electricity providers. Such as Anhui Dangshan, fruit and fruit canned because of brand concentration, large cans of electricity providers are springing up, about 1,000 specifically to Peach canned as the main products of electricity business enterprises, and gradually precipitated a number of outstanding brands.
    To further promote the integration of industry and electricity providers, the canned industry will be invited to the annual Jingdong Consumer Goods Division experts introduced the new highlights of electricity providers, canned fruit ranking days of the top canned Lin Lin Lin Lin, chairman of the shop also introduced the brand enterprises Transformation of electricity providers of the harvest and joy. In its work report, the Council specifically pointed out that the rapid rise of the "Internet + canned" can change the super-circulation of canned food manufacturers a single traditional sales model, online platform to expand the canned market coverage, consumer groups have increased influence has improved . With the industry "by variety, quality, brand," step by step in-depth, canned varieties of market richness, quality, satisfaction and brand recognition will be further leap, canned domestic consumption will bring new opportunities and vitality of the development of the industry .
    Authoritative Interpretation of "Mishin" and "Three. In order to implement the Party Central Committee and the State Council on the supply side of the structural reform to promote industrial growth and structural adjustment to increase efficiency and building a manufacturing power decision-making arrangements to better meet and create consumer demand, continue to enhance consumption-based economy, promote consumer goods Industry towards high-end, the State Council to carry out consumer goods industry, "Mishina" special action. The canned industry this year specifically invited to the Ministry of Industry and Consumer Goods Secretary Gao Yanmin do "special action and the three national special 2017 interpretation", the participants on the national "three products" special action of the overall principles, the main tasks and safeguard measures have a new understanding.
    In 2016, the national accreditation and inspection commission vigorously promote and promote the same line, the same standard, homogeneous "three" project, canned food as the main force of export food, but also to seize the "three" opportunities, the export quality advantage into domestic Market demand. At the meeting, the National Commission on Registration and Management Deputy Director Lu Chao made a "national strategy and three canned industries," the theme report. According to reports, the national commission will work with the China Canning Industry Association, to promote the canned industry, "three with" work.
    Industry brand forming, canning top ten. According to national statistics, 2011-2015 canned food industry (large canned concept) above-scale enterprises for five years of industry main data: total canned production for 5 years total 53,733,800 tons, the annual compound growth rate of 7%; the total business Income 5 years total 727.5 billion yuan, the annual compound growth rate of 8%, total profits and taxes 67.6 billion yuan. The main indicators of the canned industry growth in general and the national food industry growth rate of considerable, to maintain sustained and stable. In 2013, the annual total output of the national canned beverage for the first time exceeded 10 million tons, becoming a milestone in the development of the industry. In recent years, the world economy continues to slump and the downward pressure on the domestic economy continues to increase, the country can still maintain a certain growth, growth in the first half of 2016 unabated, an increase of 12.58% achieved good results.
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