2017-01-04 16:46:52
Did you know that? Among the assortment of foods, also hides a consumer misunderstanding and grievance "Dou", "she" is canned food.
For a long time, people in the eyes of the cans, always nervous of disasters, war linked together. Once manufacturers engaged in market research, a Beijing mother replied with a smile: "I'm going camping without sleeping, buy what it does? "These views of Boyle, which represents many domestic consumers. According to a statistics, United States canned per capita annual consumption of around 90 kg, about 50 kilograms of Western Europe, Japan 23 kg, just 1 kg, year, average consumer only ate two cans of canned. This means we consumers snubs canned, on the other hand indicate significant potential in the domestic market.
Before and after the 70 's of the last century, canned food used to have "golden period"-because our market was in short supply, canning was once considered luxuries are favored. However, with the fresh food supply abundant, people's living standards improved, canned food has been relegated, has been "stale", "nutrition" shrouded in misconceptions. Particularly regrettable is that long-standing prejudice in society--canned foods containing large amounts of preservatives. In this regard, the authority of food experts patiently explained, canning food preservation depends on the vacuum, sealing and sterilization. After the food into cans, in a vacuum, in the adequate sterilization under high pressure, so canned foods would not need to add any preservatives, will be able to achieve the objective of long-term preservation.
Now, guys, listen to experts can food "fortified" production process: first of all, Tin container has good performance of preserving food. Manufacture of containers is nontoxic, tasteless, with good stability and sealing materials. Secondly, the canning process secure, food vacuum pump air formation after mount container, sealed external bacteria could no longer enter. In vacuum and under sterile conditions, maximum preservation of color, aroma, taste food, and preserved for a long time. Finally, canned processed meat, poultry, seafood, fruit and vegetable raw materials, high quality must be pretreated, cleaning, boil, selection, seasoning and other more than 10 procedures, can be processed into a product consistent with national or international standards. Large canning companies are governed by strict hygienic requirements, each procedure is governed by strict discipline, canned foods before packing to go through "heat treatment", so that unqualified products factory. So someone said that canned foods are "safe food".
We know that the cans are convenience foods, but its sales have been lagging behind instant noodles. This embarrassing for the simple reason: leaving consumers ' understanding and support, industry move. So, we need to be more patient and explained. According to reports, the "sleepy" of Americans, canned cooked delicious good helper. For example, canned fish can easily do hamburgers, sandwiches, salads; tomatoes used to make tomato flavored soup, stews and pizza; canned fruit for dessert pies, desserts and canned vegetables, saves the trouble of skin, to bake, steamed and salads are good. Statistics confirm that in Western countries, convenient canned food make a housewife in the kitchen time reduced from 40 minutes to 20 minutes every day. At present, the Chinese people is constantly accelerating pace of life, how to get families to nutritious and fast dinner, this is something many housewives are frustrated. I believe that cans can help them a lot.
In recent years, the canning industry in China has developed rapidly, becoming very competitive force in the international market, Chinese canned reputation spread all over. Now, the domestic consumers turn to a real treat. China now has more than 1000 more than canned food production and processing enterprises, they are ambitious, eager, aimed at the domestic market, are determined to "conquer" the compatriots in appetite. So, come on consumers, we don't let cans continue to make "Dou", but to change perspective, putting canned food into the basket. At least, don't allow yourself to the level of awareness of "letters" in the can.Did you know that? Among the assortment of foods, also hides a consumer misunderstanding and grievance "Dou", "she" is canned food.
For a long time, people in the eyes of the cans, always nervous of disasters, war linked together. Once manufacturers engaged in market research, a Beijing mother replied with a smile: "I'm going camping without sleeping, buy what it does? "These views of Boyle, which represents many domestic consumers. According to a statistics,United States canned per capita annual consumption of around 90 kg, about 50 kilograms of Western Europe, Japan 23 kg, just 1 kg, year, average consumer only ate two cans of canned. This means we consumers snubs canned, on the other hand indicate significant potential in the domestic market.
Before and after the 70 's of the last century, canned food used to have "golden period"-because our market was in short supply, canning was once considered luxuriesare favored. However, with the fresh food supply abundant, people's living standards improved, canned food has been relegated, has been "stale", "nutrition" shroudedin misconceptions. Particularly regrettable is that long-standing prejudice in society--canned foods containing large amounts of preservatives. In this regard, the authority of food experts patiently explained, canning food preservation depends on the vacuum, sealing and sterilization. After the food into cans, in a vacuum, in the adequate sterilization under high pressure, so canned foods would not need to add any preservatives, will be able to achieve the objective of long-term preservation.
Now, guys, listen to experts can food "fortified" production process: first of all, Tin container has good performance of preserving food. Manufacture of containers is nontoxic, tasteless, with good stability and sealing materials. Secondly, the canning process secure, food vacuum pump air formation after mount container, sealed external bacteria could no longer enter. In vacuum and under sterile conditions, maximumpreservation of color, aroma, taste food, an
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