2017-09-30 17:21:21
1, canned peach and canned peanut prices of hot sterilization technology
The traditional method of sterilization of canned food is heat sterilization, but this method, while ensuring the safety of microbes in food, but also destroyed some of the heat-sensitive nutrients, so that the texture of food, color and flavor has changed. So the current study should be carried out hot sterilization conditions and equipment, and now the most commonly used canned food hot sterilization of new technologies are three:
The first, gas-conditioning sterilization, this technology is mainly applied to a variety of convenience dishes and food products and semi-finished products processing, such as staple food, meat, eggs, aquatic products and lunch sterilization, is for the widespread use Of the conventional canned food processing methods, the pretreatment of food raw materials, installed in a high-oxygen-resistant flexible packaging, the air out of which and injected into the inert gas seal, and then by multi-stage heating, two-stage cooling Conditioning sterilization pot for mild sterilization. The sterilization technology to deal with the food shelf life of up to two years, while intact to retain the quality of food and nutrients.
The second, microwave sterilization, the microwave treatment of the microwave so that the death or loss of vitality, in order to achieve the purpose of dealing with shelf life. This technology has the advantages of short heating time, fast heating speed, low energy consumption, uniform sterilization and less damage and loss of nutrients and flavor substances.
The third, ohm sterilization, the food into the current so that the internal heat, and thus achieve the purpose of sterilization, the technology is mainly applied to the fruit and vegetable juice canned food sterilization.
2, cold sterilization technology
With the increasing demand for food, cold sterilization technology came into being, due to the sterilization process in the food temperature is very small, so not only to maintain the physiological activity of food functional ingredients, while maintaining the color of food, Fragrant, taste and nutrients. In recent years, many new cold sterilization techniques have been developed, such as ultra-high pressure sterilization, radiation sterilization, ultraviolet sterilization and pulverized light sterilization, but at present in addition to ultra-high pressure sterilization has been implemented in industrial production, the other Of the cold sterilization technology is also carried out in the laboratory research, and most of the fungus can be used for the development of sterilization.
The biggest advantage of the new cold sterilization technology is to inhibit the role of microbes at the same time can be a good nutrient retention and food quality characteristics, but also studies have shown that some cold sterilization also affect the quality of food, and the new cold sterilization technology on the big Part of the corrupt microbes have a role, but for some bacterial spores and enzymes is difficult to play a role, which to some extent limit the application of cold sterilization technology.
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